Web 3.0 explanation metavarse, blockchain

Punam Sharma

Web 3.0 explanation metavarse,  blockchain

Friends, today we are going to create a article to you about Web 3.

many peoples wanted to know for a long time. What is Web 3, how is it used and why Web 3 is taking so much hype in crypto, what happens in Web 3.

Like at this time the metaverse is running in a lot of hype and is Web 3 a part of it. How all these things are interconnected and Web 3 is the more important part.

To know about all these and start the article. Friends, I am jaswant and today we are going to talk about Web 3.0. And you will be very proud to know about Web 3.0 that everything that has been created and innovated has been done on the blockchain.

And this is a part of crypto itself. If the whole world is going to accept it in the coming time, then it is a matter of feeling proud for all of us.

So now let's understand what is web3? We simply tell that when the Internet came in the beginning, most of the people used the Internet on DOS at that time. Most of the people in railways are still using DOS today.

That is, the pattern of using it was only for reading or some very minor things could be input. In this, very minor things could be input, that too lived in their centralized server..

After that again came 1999 WEB 2.0 i.e. version 2 of the web. After this the interaction of people increased, meaning we can now go to social media and make any comment,

upload our picture, create our complete profile, many things happened in web2. And in today's date, the one we are using is called Web 2.0. But what will happen to Web3 Now you understand in this way the way we are learning about MetaVerse.

Web 3.0 explanation metavarse,  blockchain

Everything that is possible in MetaVerse is therefore not possible on Web 2. Because if suppose there is a riot somewhere and we want to send our avatar there.

then there we are on the centralised network then it is closed and we cannot reach there. There are many such sensitive places or you can also take it from this point of view, suppose there is no internet yet.

which means that their server is now they want to shift from there. Or asking for some extra charge for it. There are many centralized servers, like Web 2, that have many limitations.

Just like we use YouTube right now, we are putting our contact daily, in that all control of YouTube is there. If YouTube says that YouTube is closed in India, then there is no point in us.

that is, the remote control of all the things here is in the hands of others, but what will happen in web3, which will be the remote control of all these.

It will be in our hands, whatever the way bitcoin is right now bitcoin says if we are closing tomorrow then people will laugh. This means bitcoin will keep going.

Suppose anyone is connected to bitcoin he can disconnect from him himself but bitcoins will not shut down the same way web3 will be and it will be fully decentralized and it will be on the blockchain.

The work that ICP has done, which is going to bring its decentralized internet, is working on this. Now as web3 is used in the coming time, this ICP which looks so dad will show very good potential.

Don't take it as financial advice here. This I am connecting to them all to see if things are possible. Looking at the metaverse, the way things like send and mana have grown means that the steering of all this is web 3.

Like in today's date all of us are using the website which uses its address, we buy it from a centralized server, they are controlled by them.

we do it on only one rent and do not own it but today's Even in date there are many websites available from where you can also buy decentralized URLs, in which there is a website from where you can buy by unstoppable and there are many such URLs that are decentralized.

Meaning they have to pay once and not do it again and their server is very advanced. So here if Metaverse is to be successful, then web3 will play a big role in that. Unless things are decentralized, Metaverse will not be successful because everything is centralized here.

All the social media are selling their data to someone or the other. And for that only and only he takes. If we see in today's time, whatever we all are doing on social media, we are in a way servants.

If we want to on all things we will need web3. Whether it is your social media, any project, if we want to be the owner of it, then at that time we will need Web 3 friends, you guys are seeing that there is talk in many countries about how to ban crypto.

Regulating crypto, there are some developments happening on crypto, Decentered blockchain is beyond the mind, above thinking, meaning their level is very high.

So you are seeing where when it comes to making any rules, then the internet can be decentralized here, whatever things are here, all those things can be decentralized, which means there is unlimited potential in decentralizing and in blockchain.

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